We Partner with Markovski Memorials to offer a Stone Memorial Service across Melbourne.

As Master Stonemasons specialising in the creation of cemetery monuments and plaques, Markovski Memorials has long recognised the importance of crafting each and every tribute with meticulous care ~ using only the finest quality materials.

But as you’ll come to appreciate, it is not just beautifully worded inscriptions that we set in stone.

At the very heart of our service offering is a belief in supporting families, both professionally and emotionally, throughout the entire design and installation process ~ and to always remain sensitive to ensuring they receive the patient guidance and advice they need to make well informed choices they won’t regret.

Irrespective of personal, religious or cultural differences, the desire of everyone is to create a truly fitting tribute to the life of a loved one. Yet because memorials can take a myriad of forms (and vary so much in size, style and expense), making final decisions on what is most fitting can often feel like a daunting dilemma.

Rest assured, no matter what budget you have to spend, the experienced team at Markovski Memorials will by your side every step of the way to help lift this weight of responsibility from your shoulders; and through a taxing time of sad loss, make your task as painless as possible.

For more information contact

Jenny  (M) 0402 289 333

Winnie  (M) 0406 463 358

1/24-30 Taryn Drive, Epping VIC 3076

213 High Street Road, Ashwood VIC 3147